Have you been missing classes like the Monk or Barbarian in your Torchbearer games? Well Jared Sorensen, the guy behind genius RPGs like Inspectres and Lacuna (not to mention one of our Torchbearer developers), has you covered. He’s just released the very first Torchbearer supplement under our Torchbearer Sagas license: The Wanderers!
It offers up six classes: the assassin, barbarian, half-elf bard, druid, monk and strider. He’s selling the whole package for $6, which comes down to $1 per class. Check it out!
I think my favorite thing is that the Barbarian class gets a choice at first level:
- They can be an Outlander, recently arrived in civilized lands with a full complement of gear, including either hide armor(!) or a weapon
- Or they can be Escaped: They start with nothing but the clothes on their backs, but they get to take an additional Wise related to the culture that enslaved them.