The Lost Crown of Tesh-Naga

The fine folks at DDE Adventures have released their first Torchbearer adventure under the Torchbearer Sagas license. You can Pay What You Want for the PDF over at DriveThruRPG.

The Lost Crown of Tesh-Naga is a mid-level adventure for the Torchbearer roleplaying game. Travel to an ancient dungeon, once used by Hobgoblin paladins as a focal point for their divine communion with TIAMAT. Claim a powerful artifact forged during the height of the empire’s power. Fight with the feuding descendants of the paladins, their rebellious goblin and ogre slaves, raiding Dark Elves, and trapped corruption demons. Evade the insidious traps left behind by the architects of this unforgiving dungeon.

Come Forth Wanderers, Outcasts & Exiles!


Jared has just released Wanderers, Outcasts & Exiles, a new Torchbearer Sagas supplement!

A dozen strange heroes from distant lands, weird cultures and unfortunate origins for the Torchbearer roleplaying game. Includes 12 new classes (levels 1-10), new gear, new weapons and armor, new spells, new locations and two additional bonus character classes!

Just in case you’re confused by Jared math, that’s 14 new character classes all together, from the Human Assassin to the Halfling Thain. Get it today for $10!

The Rune Casters Roll In

RC - Cover

Shane King and partner-in-crime Hayes Edgeworth have brought us a new Torchbearer magic system, Rune Casting, along with two new classes that use it: the Dwarf Wanderer and the Fisk Gambler!

An expert magic system for levels 1-5, Rune Casters contains the rules and procedures for the arcane art of rune casting. Also included are two sample character classes which are capable of such magic:

– The dwarf wanderer, who walks many paths.
– The fisk gambler, who presses his luck.

No longer are runes the exclusive domain of hidden wizards and proud dwarf clans. Whether you will boon your companions with unmatched strengths, or curse your enemies with confusion and withering, the power of rune casting is yours to wield.

But speak the phrases properly, adventurer, for the consequences of trifling with such gifts from the ancients are great and heavy!

The Rune Casters are available in PDF for $5 via PayPal:

Shane will be happy to answer any and all questions about the Rune Casters at the Torchbearer G+ Community.

Enter the Wanderers

Have you been missing classes like the Monk or Barbarian in your Torchbearer games? Well Jared Sorensen, the guy behind genius RPGs like Inspectres and Lacuna (not to mention one of our Torchbearer developers), has you covered. He’s just released the very first Torchbearer supplement under our Torchbearer Sagas license: The Wanderers!

It offers up six classes: the assassin, barbarian, half-elf bard, druid, monk and strider. He’s selling the whole package for $6, which comes down to $1 per class. Check it out!

I think my favorite thing is that the Barbarian class gets a choice at first level:

  • They can be an Outlander, recently arrived in civilized lands with a full complement of gear, including either hide armor(!) or a weapon
  • Or they can be Escaped: They start with nothing but the clothes on their backs, but they get to take an additional Wise related to the culture that enslaved them.