Hello friends! Today’s Torchbearer Thursday has been cross-posted with my Bridge of the Damned Kickstarter project. Please back it if you’re interested in seeing the finished project!
You can catch up on the project here:
- Adventure Design: Robber’s Bridge
- Adventure Design: Robber’s Bridge (Part II)
- Adventure Design: Robber’s Bridge (Part III)
- Adventure Design: Robber’s Bridge (Part IV)
- Adventure Design: Robber’s Bridge (Part V)
- Adventure Design: Robber’s Bridge (Part VI)
- The Bridge of the Damned
The village of Brugard has grown up in the ruins of an ancient ring fort near the southern end of Jotnarsbru. Most of the people of Brugard are Runungs, a once prosperous Bjorning clan whose wealth and influence has waned considerably since the slighting of the bridge and the loss of Vanskrdal.
Prior to the Gott invasion of Vanskrdal, the Runungs lived in steadings and villages on both sides of the Jotnarsbru, and their chieftains were welcomed in the halls of the jarls of both lands. It was Runung warriors that held the fortifications of the bridge and collected tolls from those who would cross.
That all ended with the arrival of the Gott War Host. Many of the Runungs in Vanskrdal were caught unaware by the rapid conquest, and many others were trapped on the northern bank by the destruction of the bridge. Those that managed the crossing occupied the old ring fort, and were succored by those clan members already living on the southern side of the river.
Much of the Runung clan regalia was lost when the Gotts overran Kviholl, the hall of the Runung Chieftain Grima. The only pieces that were saved include a chariot used to drive idols of the Immortal Lords during ceremonial processions, a silver-chased drinking horn and a mangle board that once belonged to clan ancestor and ættir Runa the Battle-Wise.
Runa has told her descendents that many of their relatives survive as thralls in the north, in most cases tending lands they once called their own in service to their new masters.
This part of Vargstrond once bustled with trade. Today it is little traveled and the village of Brugard struggles to sustain itself. Little by little, the young people of Brugard slip south to Bodnyheim or Jernkloster seeking better fortunes.
Town Rules
Skills: Carpenter, Peasant, Weaver
Traits: Hungry, Conservative
Alignment: Unaffiliated
Haggling: Ob 3
Telling Tales: Ob 3
Available Locations
Flophouse, Home (equivalent to Flophouse), Inn, Market, Shrine, Stables, Street, Tavern
Brugard Laws
- Brawling is a criminal act. Punishable by public humiliation.
- A tax (1D of cash) must be paid to support the needy and unfortunate when visiting the market.
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